SOLTRAIN partners, Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Zimbabwe and SACREEE were among the 55 experts who participated in the International Energy Agency - Solar Heating and Cooling (IEA SHC) ‘Smart Solar Hot Water for 2030’ Task Development Workshop in late September 2021. The participation of the SOLTRAIN partners in the IEA SHC Tasks is facilitated by the Global Network of Sustainable Energy Centres (GN-SEC) with funding from the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO).
The “Smart Solar Hot Water for 2030” task will investigate leading solar hot water technologies, namely thermosyphon and photovoltaics, to help meet global renewable energy and carbon emissions targets by 2030.
The Task Development Workshop was held online and the experts defined the scope of work of the new solar hot water task. The following subtasks were identified under the leadership of Austria, China, Australia, UK and Denmark.
The Task, which is expected to continue working through 2025, is still open to experts interested in contributing towards meeting global renewable energy and carbon emissions targets by 2030 through solar thermal technology.
For further details contact: Robert Taylor (, He Tao ( or Kuda Ndhlukula (