The third workshop in a series aimed at furthering the implementation of the South African Solar Thermal Technology Roadmap (SA-STTRM) was held in Cape Town at the end of October. This builds on outcomes of the second implementation workshop earlier in the year where a lack of focus on technology awareness, understanding and marketing solar thermal technologies were identified as shortcomings in the sector.
The South African Solar Thermal Technology Roadmap (SA STTRM) is a project within the South African Solar Thermal Technology Platform (SA-STTP) which brings together all interested parties from academia, government, financiers, end-users and industry to share information on technical, practical and financial aspects of solar thermal energy. In addition, the project seeks to identify knowledge gaps and opportunities, mobilise institutions and individuals to perform the required research, record-keeping and publication of data relating to the roll-out of solar thermal energy systems in the country, with an over-arching aim of having have 1⁄2 m2 of solar thermal collector area for every South African citizen by 2030.
Workshop delegates were welcomed by prof. Wikus van Niekerk from Stellenbosch University, Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies with presentations on the following topics: