Zimbabwe launched its Solar Thermal Technology Roadmap and Implementation Plan (STTRIP) in late 2018 at the Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers’s in Harare. The STTRIP outlines the country’s vision for solar thermal installations of 0.1m2 per capita by 2030 in support of the government’s vision for upper middle-income country status. The STTRIP is part of the SOLTRAIN programme, with the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) as the Zimbabwean country implementation partner.
In attendance at the launch was Dr J. M. Gumbo, Minister of Energy and Power Development (MoEPD), and the eighty plus participants included solar thermal product manufacturers, distributors, installers, engineers from diverse backgrounds and other stakeholders from the energy sector.
The event started with the welcoming of participants by Samson Mhlanga, the SOLTRAIN country coordinator for Zimbabwe, followed by a presentation by Werner Weiss of AEE Intec who outlined the SOLTRAIN programme and its regional achievements. The keynote address comprised a walk through the STTRIP by Blessed Sarema from NUST.
A panellists session included participation from Dr S Ziuku, Director of Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy in MoEPD, Eng. Mudzigwa representing Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority, Mr R Matema of Monarch Steel representing solar geyser manufacturers in Zimbabwe, Mr Nyakusendwa of Renewable Energy Association of Zimbabwe, Mr Gutso representing the Standards Association of Zimbabwe, Eng Jennifer Chigerwe of Harare polytechnic representing vocational and polytechnical colleges and Dr T Mushiri of University of Zimbabwe representing universities and research institutions.
The event was capped by a summary briefing by Dr Eng. G Magombo, the Permanent Secretary in MoEPD. The media was also present to cover proceedings with an item appearing on the ZBC morning and main news.
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